Friday, January 28, 2011

Border Patrol

Ah, Friday at long last. I’ve decided not to stick around Halifax this weekend; I’m taking this show on the road!  Don’t get too excited for me, I’m really not going far but I am going into previously uncharted territory for me: New England. I’m pretty stoked; I’ve heard great things about the hospitality of New Englanders. Not to mention, America owes me one LARGE for that thing that happened in Colorado. I’m looking at you customs agent. That being said, I figure I’m in for a pretty good time.  
My mission is simple: reality check. When I was working in a gallery, I got the opportunity every single day to mingle with artists, artworks and customers. I never realized how much that integration fed my creative process until it wasn’t there anymore and I really miss it. So, it’s time to step out of my studio, get out of my own head and get elbow deep into every art gallery, boutique and shop between here and there. I’ve got a list of ‘must see’ shops but I’m keeping it to myself for now with the exception of the following because I'm THAT excited to check it out.
The second I get to Saint John, NB, I am headed straight for The Black Dog Boutique. I’m really excited about this spot for two reasons; it’s new and they carry Orphanage Clothing. I’m not even going to pretend like I don’t have a girl crush on Kim Munson, because I do. I absolutely love her work, her vision, her style, everything. Want to know what else I love about her? She's based out of Halifax! In short, I must own another piece of OC! Here is a snap of the one I have just for fun...

"Stewed, Screwed and Tattoed, Halifax" on my shirt is sunshine dust on my soul.

Well, I'm off to finish packing. Here's hoping for safe travels, lots of inspiration and that some one out there need a new line of jewelry.

A very happy Friday, to you all!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Procrastive Productination..

January is having a hissy fit outside today so I decided to stay in and work on some design. I know, I should really be finalizing the colour palettes and working on the branding materials for the new collection. However, that all involves making some executive decisions, and I confess, I’m feeling less than executive in my snuggie and my back-from-the-dead ballerina hair bun.  So, instead, voila…
I just put the finishing touches on this bracelet:

I love these beads; they’re a Czech glass with a fun metallic finish. I found them last year at a jewelry show in Arizona and couldn’t pay the man fast enough for them. Unfortunately, I can’t get any more because in my excitement I left without his card. Rookie mistake! This particular bracelet is spoken for and I only have enough beads to make one more. And that one more just might be for me.

I also made these:

If you’ve checked out my website you’ve no doubt realized that I am utterly enchanted by the sparkle of a Swarovski crystal. Their quality is paramount; they have such vivid colour value and yet somehow maintain crystal clarity. They just keep me coming back for more. Ok, I’m blushing and breathing heavy. Swarovski for the freaking world!
Lastly, I give you a peak at a painting I’m working on which is quite transparently and tentitively titled, ‘Le Pont Alexandre III, Paris’. I still have some detailing to do but I have to let it set up for a couple of days first.

 Well, friends, I should probably go fix my hair. Stay dry out there if you can!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

In the Beginning, She was New to This and the Layout was Bad

Hellllooo out there!

Welcome to the blog! I feel that I should say something meaningful, witty or poignant to kick off my very first post but, I'm not really into that crap so let's just get on with it, shall we friends?

I started this blog for a very simple reason; I promised a friend that I would. Haha, take that, poignant! Seriously though, blogging is something I have approached very warily for many, many years. I guess I was never comfortable with the publicity of it all. I'm still a bit leary of the situation but if you'll be gentle with me then I'll  be gentle with you. In truth, I started this blog because I absolutely love jewelry, fashion, art, design and the creative process. I hope that this blog will be an avenue for me to share my designs, ideas, thoughts, interests and commentary on all of the above. While I'm going to be mostly discussing my own works, experiences and etc., I also hope to highlight as many other other solid, East Coast artisans as come my way. There is so much raw, blinding talent out here that you really just have to talk about it. I'll also inevitably talk about 'mainstream' jewelry/art/fashion because I probably won't be able help it. I toally just referred to Marc Jacobs as 'mainstream'. Guity pleasures.

So, who am I? I'm a jewelry designer, an artist, an art lover, a fashion fanatic, a sarcastic, a linguist, an optimist, a skeptic, a Sagittarius (if you dig in that kind of thing), and a people person. I'm also stubborn, seldom on time and super allergic to band-aids but, who cares? I have been the very proud owner and artist behind Stella Polaris Studios (formally Em Elle Designs) since January 2009. Before that I crunched time in every single position the retail world had to offer. I have been a buyer (my favorite!), an exhibitor, a consultant, a designer for another line, a merchansider, a manager, all the way down to a cashier, a greeter and a folding wench. (While we're talking folding wench, can I just have one brief moment of retribution? I've been waiting ten years for the chance to say this publically; I worked at the Gap for $5.85/ hr. No wait, let's really drive this home: I worked Christmas Eve and Boxing Day at the Gap for $5.85/hr. Those memories were the driving force throughout my university career lest I ever have to fold a bulky, shitty fleece hoodie ever again). More fortunately my work has allowed me to talk to people from all over the country, the world, from all cultures, social classes, expertises, circumstances and backgrounds. In short, respect me because I have seen and heard it all. One of these days I'm going to post about my top ten worst retail experiences of all time and trust me, it's Stephen King material folks. Alas, I digress..

I'm really excited to get going on the next few posts! I have been planning and buying for my 2011 collection and am really looking forward to showing you all a sneak preview! If you aren't familiar with the line check out my website: I'm also on Facebook too, just search 'Stella Polaris' and I'll add a proper link tomorrow/the day after/very soon when my internet focus factor is at a full 10 again.

Until next time, goodnight out there.